Probably the easiest and most common, this signpost tells you to rearrange a word or words - to find an anagram.
Common rearranging signposts:
Example: Guns of war or any power play (8). By playing with the words "any power", we can rearrange them into the word "weaponry", for guns of war.
This signpost indicates that you should put letters or words into another word, or put a word around some letters.
Common inserting/surrounding signposts:
- in
- inside
- entering
- outside
- capturing
- without
Example: Old South American hotel outside California (5). By putting "inn" (for hotel) outside "CA" (for California), we can get "Incan" - a person from an old South American culture.
A shortening signpost directs you to remove part of a word, or keep only part of a word.
Common shortening signposts:
- dropping
- without
- disheartened
- empty
- first
- last
- clothing
Example: Fugitive without a landing strip (6). Here, "without a" instructs us to remove an "a" from runaway (for fugitive), giving "runway" - a landing strip!
This signpost asks you to look for every second letter of a word or multiple words.
Common alternating signposts:
Example: Type of lettuce cooks regularly discard (3). By discarding regular letters from "cooks", you get "cos", a type of lettuce!
A containing signposts alerts you to a word contained within multiple words.
Common containing signposts:
- within
- containing
- captured
- among
Example: Warship poised to capture semiaquatic animal (5). Captured within "Warship poised" is "hippo", a semiaquatic animal!
A translating signpost alerts you to Translate a word - usually a very short common word - into another language.
Common translating signposts:
- the French = "le"
- the Spanish = "el"
This signpost wants you to look for homophones. Say a fodder word out loud and replace it with another word that sounds like it.
Common pronouncing signposts:
Example: Owing to some moisture, say (3). "Dew" is some moisture, and sounds like "due", which means "owing".